Journey at Gecko Robotics

I cannot unfortunately go into too much detail here as I didn't work on any project whose direct results were out in the public domain (like Bot Couture or the NASA-SRC solution). So, I will try to stay as abstract as possible, but will include links to examples of what it means to "do that task". Read on if you are a potential recruiter who might be interested in my experience (as opposed to only stopping by to look at a cool project (like Pneuquad)!)

Here's what I worked on : 

● Electro-mechanical setup & implementation of trajectory planning and execution on translation jig followed by providing ROS2 Interfaces for Prototype testing.
● Implemented low-level controllers for the skid-steered robot.
● Built wheel odometry subsystem and a sensor fusion pipeline to fuse odometry estimates from wheel & triangulation subsystems.
● Built a Process Manager to configure & manage multiple ROS nodes during the course of an inspection.
● Built TCP interface to pipe localization data out into deliverables.
● Built feature-detection for performing localization corrections, post an inspection.
● Built and deployed a cloud service used by external users to apply / undo localization corrections.